Monthly PRESS RELEASE April 4, 2023
Press Releases will follow shortly after each of the GSD Monthly Board of Directors Meetings, generally scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Please See our Calendar to participate in this public forum for your local water district or read the complete Agenda and Meeting Minutes.

Regular Meeting Called to Order at 5PM Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
This meeting was rescheduled from the original date of March 28 to allow time for a Presentation by SHN regarding the Water Tank Replacement Project.
General Manager Report:
Recent storms have certainly wrecked havoc due to many factors surrounding storms, power outages and operational demands on staff and customers, who were affected by the excessive water and snow. We have been working with customers to identify water issues to property, leaks and frozen pipes.
There have been multiple changes taking place at the state level and as information and requirements come forward we will keep you up to date on those changes while updating ordinances.
We have been meeting multiple days to work on the tank replacement project and securing funding required to complete the project.
- Acknowlegment for the current state of the river was palpable after recent storms.
- A brief report on the LIHWAP Program by the Redwood Community Action Agency offering funds to assist eligible households with current/past due water bills upwards of $15,000.
For more information, CALL: (707) 444-3831 ext. 201 TODAY!
Regular Agenda Items & General Business proceeded with full Board support and no additional Public Comments were recorded.
The Water Tank Replacement Project SHN Presentation took up the remaining minutes of this BOD Meeting.