Monthly PRESS RELEASE! February 27, 2024 Board Meeting
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Press Releases will follow shortly after each of the Open Public Sessions of GSD Monthly Board of Directors Meetings, generally scheduled on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Please See our Calendar to attend in person, to this public forum for your local water district or read the complete Agenda and Meeting Minutes. Meetings are held inside the main office located at 919 Redwood Drive, Garberville CA 95542

Regular Meeting Called to Order at 5PM Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
General Manager Report:
- RAIN! contributes to the increased demands for staff as they repair multiple leaks (even some late at night) and keep the treatment facilities operating effectively while maintaining safe potable water.
- THANKS to all who came out on days off and after hours to utilize the equipment necessary to get the work done.
- The implementation of individualized Payment Plans for our customers, who have experienced an accumulation of late service charges, has offered an agreeable solution to 'CATCH UP' for those who are simply attemtping to keep up.
Regular Agenda Items & General Business proceeded with full Board support and no additional Public Comments were recorded.
Agenda Items for the next Board Meeting
- Tanks Project Update
- Personnel Policy
- In House Projects
The next Open Public Session of the GSD Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for March 26 , 2024 at 5PM.